Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Manga Review: Heaven's Will

Manga Review: Heaven’s Will
Story and art by: Satoru Takamiya
By: Aliraluna
The Heaven to which you will someday return, is the story of how Sudou Mikuzu a girl with a phobia toward boys and scared of ghosts met Seto Ashiya; a cross-dressing exorcist; and Kagari a beautiful vampire that can transform into a wolf, in the famous haunted mansion that everyone knows about while trying to escape from a monster. They make a contract in which Mizuku will pay Seto with a cake every time he makes a ghost disappear. The next day, Seto visits Mikuzu at school in where she will learn that she can see things that normal people can’t because she’s a Kenki and that oni is the term used referring to those creatures. Days later, when Mikuzu is about to die Seto and Kagari save her from the monster, but much to her surprise she finds out that the monster was the stalker that appeared everywhere she was- he became a monster because of this but when he was saved by Seto he explained that he wondered why he never confessed his love for her. This is how Seto, Mukuzu and Kagari became friends and companions to exorcism the oni.
In Heaven’s Will the stories of how Seto Ashiya started to cross dress and how Kagari met Seto will be found out by Mikuzu while the three of them try to exorcism the piano of Souichirou Takayanagi, the student council president of Seiou High School; within a week.

Characters overview:
Sudou Mikuzu: She has short black hair, is very slim and has big, black eyes. She’s very easily scared as she has the power to see ghosts and many creatures and has a phobia toward boys. Mikuzu is able to play the piano and bake cakes. 

Seto Ashiya: Has long beautiful blonde hair and big brownish eyes; he dresses in Lolita fashion. His weapon is a beautiful, shiny fan that holds a mystery. He’s very strong and is the master of Kagari. Loves to eat cakes and really likes maple and butter syrup.

Kagari: Has black hair and blue icy eyes and is very tall. He’s a vampire that can transform into a wolf; being Seto his master he feeds from him. Kagari tends to be very quiet. His only wish can be done only by Seto. 

It’s really sad that this story is a one-volume shot. There’s a letter inside the book in which the author explains that Mikuzu will never fall in love with Seto. We will never know if Seto changed his mind nor what will happen with Kagari, nor which was the real name of ‘Seto’. What we know is that Kagari seemed more at ease and that Mikuzu would be happy if the three of them stayed together. They all worked so hard to understand each other and become closer that it really touched my heart. Oh! And the “n” in the title has a little hat.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Reseña de Anime:No Game No Life

Reseña de Anime: No Game No Life
Producido por: Madhouse
Manga y Arte por: Yu Kayama
Por: Aliraluna
Traducido por: Sunflower-Unicorn

No Game No Life es la historia de hermanos hikikomori Shiro y Sora, increíbles NEET (por sus siglas en inglés: No Educación, Empleo o Entrenamiento) quienes se han convertido en leyendas urbanas por sus misteriosos nombres en video juegos “[     ]” (en blanco), pero con más importancia, ya que nunca han perdido un juego. Un día, luego de ganarle a 1,200 jugadores reciben un correo electrónico de un remitente desconocido el cual preguntaba: ¿Ustedes hermanos nunca han sentido que nacieron en el mundo equivocado? Mientras Sora se pregunta cómo esta persona sabe que son hermanos divisa un enlace electrónico el cual los dirige a un juego de ajedrez. Luego de ganar, reciben otro correo electrónico con preguntas como qué harían si existiera un mundo sin reglas o metas. Sus respuestas fueron que nacieron en el mundo incorrecto. Repentinamente fueron transportando al mundo de Tet, un mundo donde todo es decidido por juegos y las diez promesas solemnes.

¿Qué son estas diez promesas? Las mismas fueron hechas por Tet al ser nombrado Único y Verdadero Dios luego de ganar la guerra eterna en la cual los viejos dioses y sus creaciones pelearon por el título que gano Tet. Para que las promesas apliquen los jugadores deben alzar sus manos y decir “Aschente”.

1)Sora: Hermano mayor de Shiro. Tiene diez y ocho años, es excelente analizando las expresiones de sus oponentes y sus movimientos; también parece ser bueno en juegos de amor. Tiene pelo carmesí y ojos rojos; es alto, delgado y utiliza una camisa con la inscripción “Amo la Humanidad”.

2)Shiro: Tiene once años y es excelente con cálculos, conoce un promedio de veinte idiomas y puede aprender uno nuevo en quince minutos. Parece ser excelente al ajedrez y juegos de pistolas. Su cabello es largo y azul pálido, tiene ojos rojos y usa un uniforme de marinera violeta.

3)Stephanie Dola: Tiene diez y ocho años y fue princesa en el reino Imanity (humano). Tiene el cabello corto y rojo, el cual adorna con una flor azul. La misma combina con sus ojos azules y su traje elegante. Es ingenua, muy social y puede hacer amistades con facilidad. También maneja los asuntos del Estado…y hace galletas.

Este anime es uno de los mejore que he visto. Adoro los colores, los personajes, y claro está, la trama. Aunque no sea gamer puedo disfrutar la increíble historia y hasta entender algunas de las referencias que hacen en la serie, como el del juego Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Mi personaje favorito es Shiro porque, personalmente, la adoro y admiro sus habilidades para los juegos. ¡Espero que lo disfruten porque este anime esta genial!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Anime Review: No Game No Life

Anime Review: No Game No Life
Produced by: Madhouse
Manga and Art by: Yū Kamiya
By: Aliraluna

No Game No Life is the story of hikikomori siblings Shiro and Sora, incredible NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) that have become urban legends because of their mysterious gamer name “[   ]” (blank), but more importantly because they have never lost a game. One day, after defeating 1,200 players, they receive an email from an unknown sender with a question: “Have you two siblings ever felt like you were born in the wrong world? While Sora is wondering how does the person knows they are siblings, he notices a link which leads them to a chess game. After winning, they receive another email with questions such as what they would do if there was a world with clear rules and goals, and their answer is that if there’s a world like that then they were born on the wrong world. Suddenly after that, they are transported/reborn in Tet’s world, a world in which everything is decided by games and ten pledges. Sora decides that they will save Imanity and conquer the world in order to challenge again Tet, the last God.
What are the ten pledges? The ten pledges were made by Tet when he was named the One True God after winning in the eternal war in which the old gods and their creations fought for the right to be the One True God. In order for this pledges to apply the players need to raise their hands and say “Aschente”.

Characters Overview:
1)Sora: Older brother of Shiro, he’s eighteen years old. He’s excellent at analyzing the opponent’s expressions and next movements; he also seems to be good at love games. He has maroon hair and red eyes; he’s tall and thin and wears a shirt that says “I heart (love) Humanity”.

2)Shiro: She’s eleven years old and is excellent with calculations; she knows about twenty languages and can learn a new one in fifteen minutes. Seems to be excellent in chess and shooting games. Has long pale blue hair, red eyes and wear a purple sailor uniform.

3)Stephanie Dola: She’s eighteen years old and was a princess in the Imanity kingdom. She has short red hair with a blue flower, blue eyes and wears an elegant dress. She’s naïve, very social and can make friends very easy. She also handles Imanity state affairs… and makes good cookies.

This anime is by far one of the best I have ever seen. I adore the colors, the characters and of course the plot. Even if I’m not a gamer I can still enjoy the amazing story and still understand some references through the story, like the game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. My favorite character is the adorable genius Shiro because I adore her personally and her amazing abilities in games. Hope you enjoy it because this anime is AWESOME!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reseña de Manga: Fruits basket vol.1

Reseña de Manga: Fruits basket vol.1
Historia y arte por: Natsuki Takaya
Por: Aliraluna
Traducido por: Sunflower-Unicorn

Tohru Honda, una niña huérfana viviendo en el bosque, de repente ve una casa grande, bella y pacífica en la cual los miembros de la familia Sohma están viviendo con una antigua maldición familiar; a sorpresa de Tohru, el “príncipe” de su escuela Yuki Sohma vive allí. Más adelante, mientras Yuki y Shigure Sohma caminan hacia su casa notan a Tohru caminando por el bosque y  se preguntan dónde ella vive, esto ya que toda la propiedad les pertenece a la familia Sohma y ellos no han rentado ninguna tierra. Cuando Tohru llega a su “casa”, la cual en realidad es una tienda para acampar, ¡encuentra que Yuki y Shigure la estaban esperando! En seguida, ellos llevan a Tohru a su casa y allí esta pregunta si puede rentar un pedazo de tierra para acampar en lo que la casa de su abuelo la terminen de arreglar. EL problema es, y Yuki explica, que en esas tierras puede ocurrir un derrumbe en cualquier momento y por seguridad no pueden dejar que resida allí. En la casa de los muchachos a Tohru le da una fiebre alta por trabajar en exceso y porque perdió la foto de su madre. Allí le explica a Shigure que su meta es graduarse de la escuela superior ya que su madre no lo pudo lograr. Al otro día Yuki sorprende a Tohru con la foto de su madre y con una invitación a que resida en la casa Sohma en lo que la remodelación de la casa de su abuela fuese completada; además, la casa está en necesidad de una buena limpieza. Pero apenas está entrando a su nuevo cuarto, Tohru ve a un muchacho salir de atrás de una pared a buscar una pelea con Yuki. Le gritaba a Yuki “¡niño rata!”, y justo antes de que el joven misterioso atacara Tohru lo trata de detener pero accidentalmente lo abraza… ¡y él se convierte en gato! Ahí termina la vida “normal” de Tohru. ¿Esta Tohru Honda preparada para involucrarse en la vida mágica de maldiciones y leyendas de la familia Sohma?

¿Cuál es la maldición de la familia Sohma?
Desde hace cientos de años la familia ha sido poseída por los doce animales del zodiaco chino, pero existe un espíritu número trece, el gato. (Solamente trece miembros de la familia Sohma tienen la maldición de los espíritus de los animales del zodiaco chino.) Cada miembro puede comunicarse con su animal zodiaco, pero por alguna razón, si se encuentran cansados o son abrazados por el sexo opuesto se transforman en ellos. 

La leyenda del Banquete: 
Un día, Dios le dijo a los animales, “Los invito a todos a mi banquete mañana. ¡No lleguen tarde!”. Luego de escuchar eso la Rata le mintió al Gato diciendo que el banquete era el día después. La Rata, el Buey, el Tigre y el resto de los animales asistieron al banquete, pero el Gato no, y es por esto que no fue incluido en el zodiaco chino.  


Monday, September 8, 2014

Manga Review: Fruits Basket vol #1

Manga Review: Fruits basket vol.1
Story and art by: Natsuki Takaya
By: Aliraluna
Tohru Honda, an orphan girl living in the woods suddenly sees a big, beautiful and peaceful house in which members of the Sohma family are living with an ancient curse, and to her surprise Yuki Sohma known in school as “Prince Charming’ is living there! Later on, when Yuki Sohma and Shigure Sohma are walking toward their house they see Tohru walking by herself and they wonder where she lives as the whole place is theirs and they haven’t rented any part of the land to anyone. When Tohru Honda arrives to her “home” (which is really a tent) she finds that Yuki and Shigure were waiting for her! They take her to their home and she asks if they can rent her a place to camp until the remodeling of her grandpa’s house is done. But Shigure explains that a landslide could happen, and it does covering everything with a mountain of mud. Tohru had to stay in the Sohma’s house as she got a fever from overworking but is really sad because she lost her mother’s picture and she explains to Shigure her goal of graduating from high-school as her mother didn’t do so. The next day Yuki gives her the surprise that he saved the picture of her mother but also that she’s welcome to stay in their house until the remodeling of her grandpa’s house is done and as she likes doing house-work she should stay; besides the Sohma house needs cleaning! But just as she’s entering her room, from nowhere a boy comes out of a wall to pick a fight with Yuki, calling him ‘rat-boy’; and when he was about to attack Tohru tries to stop him and accidently hugs him… and he transforms into a cat! And that’s when Tohru Honda’s “normal” life changes by knowing the curse of the Sohma family. Is Tohru Honda ready to get involved in the magical world of curses and legends of the Sohma family?

What is the curse of the Sohma family? For hundreds of years the Sohma family has been possessed by the twelve spirits found in the Chinese zodiac, but there’s the thirteen spirit: the cat (in total, only thirteen members of the family are possessed). They can communicate with their respective animals, but for some unknown reason when they are very tired and/or hugged by the opposite sex they transform. 
The legend of the Banquet: One day, God told the animals “I’m inviting you all to my banquet tomorrow. Don’t be late!” after hearing that the Rat lied to the Cat saying that the banquet was the day after. The next day the Rat, Ox, Tiger and the rest of the animals; but the Cat, who had been tricked, feasted until the morning, and so the Cat was never made a zodiac animal.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Reseña de anime: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic / Magi: The Kingdom of Magic

Reseña de anime: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic / Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
Anime producido por: A-1 Pictures
Historia y arte por: Shinobu Ohtaka
Por: Aliraluna
Traducido por: Sunflower-Unicorn


La historia comienza con un niño de cabello azul llamado Aladino el cual demanda saber qué es el, pero el djinn, llamado Ugo, no le puede contestar. En vez, le ofrece a Aladino la oportunidad de concederle un deseo. Más adelante Aladino conoce a Alibaba, un jóven sirviente el cual está tratando de adinerarse; mientras se comía las sandías que Alibaba estaba cuidando. En la casa de Alibaba, Aladino le explica que hace catorce años unas estructuras mágicas extrañas, conocidas como Calabozos, comenzaron a aparecer alrededor del mundo. La persona que complete uno de estos calabozos ganará poder y riquezas como: oro, joyería y artículos mágicos; todo lo que Alibaba necesita. Sin embargo, Aladino también menciona que los mejores artículos son los djinn, las vasijas de metal.En la calle ven una niña con una canasta enorme llena de frutas, pero –lo peor– sus pies estaban encadenados, siendo esto un símbolo de ser una esclava. La niña nota que ambos les están mirando los pies, y mientras trata de esconderlos tambalea y cae al suelo. Aladino no le gusta cómo el amo de Alibaba trata a la niña, así que decidió llamar a Ugo para que asustara al amo. Luego ocurre un accidente en el desierto mientras tratan de entregan un vino, y se manifiestan de nuevo los poderes de Aladino: su enorme djinn, Ugo, y su turbante mágico cual, ¡se convierte en una alfombra voladora! Luego de presenciar esto Alibaba reconoce que Aladino lo puede ayudar a completar los calabozos, y junto a Morgiana (la niña esclava) deciden convertirse en amigos. Luego de algunas aventuras deciden partir caminos para entrenar de esa manera. Cada uno atraviesa varios riesgos y experiencias, y ganan conocimientos trabajando con todo su esfuerzo. ¿Pero esto los ayudará cuando la organización secreta los ataque?

Lo primero que me gustó de este anime fue el escenario. Como caribeña me alegró ver un ambiente con el cual me podía identificar.: el calor, el bosque, la jungla, las cuevas, el océano y mucho más. 
Mis personajes preferidos son: Aladino, Ugo y Titus. La historia es fantástica y presenta muchos valores positivos como el nunca darse por vencido, la amistad y la importancia de derrotar tu pasado y seguir hacia adelante. 
Mi escena favorita fue cuando los tres estaban entrenando (segunda temporada) en la escuela  de magia; lugar donde Aladino conoce a Titus. 
La historia es muy buena y no puedo esperar en saber más sobre Aladino y el pasado y secretos de Sinbad. 
También es importante mencionar que Aladino cambia durante el curso de la serie, al igual que Alibaba, crece, madura y perdura su determinación. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, las tareas de Alibaba se le harán difícil por dos razones claves: su pasado y el hecho de que no puede convocar su djinn. ¿Lo podrá lograr? ¡Averígualo! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Anime review: Magi: the Labyrinth of Magic/ Magi: The Kingdom of Magic

Anime review: Magi: the Labyrinth of Magic/ Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
Anime produced by: A-1 Pictures
Story and art by: Shinobu Ohtaka 
By: Aliraluna
My review:

The story starts with a blue-hair boy named Aladdin demanding to know what he is, but the djinn, called Ugo, can’t say the answer. Instead, he offers Aladdin the chance to grant him a wish. Later on, Aladdin meets Alibaba; a young servant who is trying to get rich; while eating all the watermelons Alibaba was supposed to take care of. At Alibaba’s house he explains to Aladdin that fourteen years ago strange magical structures called Dungeons started to appear around the world; and that the person who clears the dungeon can gain wealth and power such as: gold, jewelry and magical items- just what Alibaba needs. But, he also mentions that the best items are the metal djinn vessels. At the streets they see a girl with an enormous basket of fruits, and to make things worst she has chains in her feet, a symbol of being a slave. She notices they are looking at her feet and while trying to hide them she stumbles onto the ground. Aladdin doesn’t like the way Alibaba’s master treats her and decides to call for a short time Ugo to scare them. Afterwards, an accidents occurs in the desert while trying to deliver wine and they see again the powers of Aladdin: his enormous djinn Ugo and his magic turban that transforms into a magic carpet- he can fly! After seeing this Alibaba sees him as someone who could help him complete the dungeon and they decide to become friends along with the girl Morgiana. After some adventures they decide to part ways for training and in doing so they will encounter many risks, experiences and gain knowledge by working hard. But will this help them when a dark, secret organization attacks them? 

My thoughts:

The first thing I liked about this anime was the setting. As a person of the Caribbean it made me happy to see an environment that I can identify with: the heat, the jungle/forests, caves, the ocean and much more. My favorite characters are: Aladdin, Ugo and Titus. The story is fantastic with many things to learn from such as not giving up, friendship and how to defeat your past and move on. My favorite part was when the three of them were training (season two) especially Aladdin as it was a school of magic and where he met Titus. The plot is really good and I can’t wait to know more about Aladdin and Sinbad’s past and about the secret organization. Also, you will noticed how much Aladdin has changed over the course of the story, growing more mature and determined as well Alibaba. Alibaba’s task will be, in my opinion, far more difficult for him for two reasons: his past and that he can’t summon his djinn! Will he be able to do so? Find out!...