Manga Review: Yurara vol.1
Story and art by: Chika Shiomi
By: Aliraluna

I may have a long list of mangas that I love but I have to say that Chika Shiomi is by far one of my top 5 most loved and adored mangaka. Since I read this manga (long time ago) I have always loved it- you don’t know how many times my heart goes ‘doki-doki’ and heart-broken at the same time. I ALWAYS cry at the end of the story. This story besides the beautiful art, it caught my attention that Yurara, a very young girl who has to deal with ghosts, spirits and more frightening things, with school, boys and girls, is a girl who wasn’t scared of the spirits, rather one that wanted to help them; one that wanted to have the power needed to give them aid. Also, while the stories are a bit sad in this volume, I still laughed SO much when I saw their faces and how well I can imagine the way they would use a tone and their expressions are. Believe me, you can even notice the slight differences of expressions made by the ever stiff Yako! And while I was rereading this I got tears in my eyes when I saw the last page; “Today Yako… seems a bit more… kind than usual”. The reason is because I remember always when I finished the whole series, I was very, very sad. That is, until I saw that a new series that would have my favorite character: Yako, would appear- I was truly happy to have more bits of his amazing world and life even though is …well, sad. And a very particular scene in the other series called Rasetsu, she says the same about him. Anyway, enjoy this story! I’ll be uploading the reviews of this amazing five volumes <3.